Conference 2024

Registrations Now Closed

Join us for our first in-person conference

Calling all student representatives - EPASA is launching its first in person conference and registrations are now open!
Performing arts students from across the EU will come together to learn, share knowledge, and build connections.
The theme this year is Resilient Horizons, addressing topics such as resilience, portfolio careers, safe spaces, and student representation.
This conference serves as a space to also shape upcoming priorities for performing arts education internationally. Join EPASA in at the KASK & Conservatorium in Ghent on 25th and 26th May.
We're really looking forward to coming together, learning from each other and building meaningful connections together.
EPASA is part of the AEC – Empowering Artists as Makers in Society (AEC-ARTEMIS, 2022-2025) project funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.

The full conference schedule

Elections - Nominations Closed

EPASA Announced Elections for the Board

During the General Assembly on Sunday 26th May 2024 in Ghent, BE, EPASA will hold elections for 3 vacant positions:
  • Secretary General
  • 2 x Board Members

Am I eligible?Please read the Roles and Eligibility documentation very carefully.

How do I apply?Prepare a letter of motivation and your CV, and upload here!

The deadline for nominations is 22nd May at 23.59 CET.
Registrations Closed


What is the programme and theme?The theme is Resilient Horizons. Please see above for the full schedule.

I want to get involved!We will be launching an open call for the elections for a number of open vacancies in the coming weeks - all of those who have registered will be informed.
There are also performance opportunities which are mentioned in the registration form.

I want to attend but cannot afford toWe have a small number of travel bursaries available for travel and accommodation only for maximum €410. 
These are aimed at supporting those without formal student representation systems, or who do not have a budget.
Bursaries will be scored and therefore awarded based on the motivational statement, whether your institution has a student representation system, you are the lead student representative, and your location of study.

How do I apply for a travel bursary?Within the application form you will be required to select if you want a travel bursary. Then you will need to write a 500 word statement explaining why you need the travel bursary and the benefit of your attendance at the conference. It will cover travel and accommodation for one person only. 
The deadline for travel bursaries is Sunday 5th May.